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April 2003, the group takes shape. Their first gig would be on the 14th of June of that very same year. Followed quickly, as all things do, by an international tour (during which time Yoguy Ho would leave the group) and the recording of « your new favourite medecine" in December. It was on the now infamous 18th of March gig that Organ Orgasm Micho, would join the group and, it has to be said, complemented the rest of the band perfectly.

Steve ANDROGENIUS (lead vocal/guitar) :

Part of such groups as The Vensons or The Jets, he decided to dive right in to the « sex rock » scene after finding out about the band « Happy Tom »

Mado MachoMan (bass) :

"The biggest bassist in Moulins..." as he himself so bashfully puts it. But then again, he probably is the biggest bassist in moulins, and anyway, I’m not about to argue with him.

Mr. Sub Itoman (drums) :

After having been the « elastic guitarist » for the SEXTIE'S, the man had a revelation, «Wouldn’t it be so much more comfortable sitting down for concerts ? and so decided to play drums for the SUPPOSITORZ

Organ Orgasm Micho (Farfiza/tambourin/back vocal):

During the  ninetie's, he sung for some of the biggest Bourbonais garage groups ( TOMAHAWK, THE BORN LOSER, THE YOUNGKEATONES etc...), he fell in love with is FARFIZA MATADOR* and tried to seduce it by fingering it whenever possible...
*(as it belonged to his one time, long gone companion, we call it the SUPPOSIBOULZ...)
